
Complete Control for Veterinarians! Single Screen, Multiple Farms

MilkingCloud brings together all the features that veterinarians and farm owners need. It offers detailed tracking features such as individual animal monitoring, insemination, vaccination, and treatment information for both dairy producers and breeding facilities. Additionally, it provides bulk group tracking and optimized management options for beef cattle farms to enhance meat efficiency. Elevate your farm management to the next level with these comprehensive features

Vet Tasks
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Comprehensive Veterinary Solutions for Cattle Health Management

The MilkingCloud platform consolidates critical herd health records and cattle vaccination schedules, essential for tackling common ailments like mastitis in livestock. Featuring advanced health tracking and farm data analysis capabilities, it supports the prevention and treatment of such conditions. This system allows for personalized veterinary care for herds, swift livestock disease prevention, and effective management of veterinary solutions

Veterinary Physician Task Tracking Module

Advantages for Veterinarians

MilkingCloud offers numerous benefits and functionalities for veterinarians. Here are some key features and advantages this software provides to veterinarians:

1 .
Calculate Nutritional Requirements
Effective and Swift Diagnosis

Veterinarians can make rapid and accurate diagnoses with the detailed animal information and health history provided by MilkingCloud. This is especially crucial for veterinarians working with multiple farms. Instant access to each animal's comprehensive health history, vaccination records, insemination dates, and other critical data enables veterinarians to make more informed and speedy decisions. This advantage not only safeguards animal health but also offers significant time and cost savings for farm owners.

Select Feed to Be Added
Proactive Animal Health Management

MilkingCloud enables veterinarians to proactively identify potential health issues in animals. Through integrations like MastiPro, early intervention in potential health problems becomes possible, preventing more significant health issues. Additionally, with vaccination and treatment reminders, veterinarians can offer a proactive approach to their clients, ensuring continuous protection of animal health

3 .
Create and Optimize Rations
Optimized Farm Management Consultation

Veterinarians can provide guidance to farm owners not only on animal health but also on general farm management, thanks to MilkingCloud's detailed reporting and analysis features. Ration preparation, cost calculations, and herd productivity analyses enable veterinarians to offer recommendations for more efficient and profitable farm management. This helps farm owners run their operations in a sustainable and profitable manner.

Manage Your Businesses from One Central Location

Effortlessly Manage All Your Farm Clients in One Place with Our FREE Specialized Modules for Veterinarians. Sign Up Now!

Key Features of MilkingCloud's Veterinary Module

Real-Time Animal Health Tracking

Real-Time Animal Health Tracking

Utilize MilkingCloud’s real-time tracking to monitor the health status of each animal individually. This immediate access to health data allows for swift actions to prevent diseases and maintain herd health.

Efficient Cattle Vaccination Management

Efficient Cattle Vaccination Management

Schedule and manage your cattle’s vaccination effortlessly. MilkingCloud’s system ensures no vaccination is missed, keeping your herd in optimum health.

Detailed Health and Treatment Records

Detailed Health and Treatment Records

Keep comprehensive records of each animal’s health history, treatments, and vaccinations, making it easier to manage herd health and meet regulatory compliance.

Precision Livestock Farming Tools

Precision Livestock Farming Tools

Incorporate precision farming tools that enhance monitoring and management of livestock, improving overall farm efficiency and productivity.

Eliminating Data Gaps

MilkingCloud also provides the capability to identify which data is missing from a business in detail. Additionally, it reports data that is found to be incorrect. For instance, cows that have a recorded insemination date but no birth record are automatically flagged. This allows for the automatic correction of retrospective data errors

Benefits Provided to Farm Veterinarians

Tools that Simplify Veterinarians' Lives

We understand that your time is limited and valuable. MilkingCloud offers smart tools that will save you time.

Central Management
Centralized Management

Veterinarians can track multiple farms and the animals within them from a single platform. This saves time and simplifies organization.

Fast Information Access
Quick Information Access

Instant access to animal health history, insemination data, vaccinations, and other critical information facilitates the selection of accurate diagnosis and treatment methods.

Automatic Reminders
Automatic Reminders

Receive automatic reminders for important dates such as vaccinations, treatments, and insemination times to ensure that no crucial events are missed.

Effective Communication
Effective Communication

Engage in information exchange about the animals by communicating with farm owners or workers through the platform.

Detailed Reporting
Detailed Reporting

Generate detailed reports based on critical information such as milk yield, reproductive success, and disease history to gain insights into overall herd health and productivity.

Early Diagnosis
Early Diagnosis

Integrating with devices like MastiPro allows for early diagnosis of diseases (e.g., mastitis).

Optimization Recommendations
Optimization Recommendations

Provides veterinarians with the ability to offer consultancy on improving efficiency in herd management through features such as ration preparation and cost calculations.

E-Mail Notifications
Email Notifications

Receive email notifications for important events or alerts, allowing for quick intervention when needed.

Customer Tracking
Customer Follow-Up

Veterinarians can keep a record of the status of animals, appointments and interventions performed on a client basis (farm owners).

Meet Our Mobile App

Meet our mobile app that will make your life easier with a single touch!
Here is your quick, efficient, easy to use herd management experience

→ Improved Cattle Health
Monitor and enhance herd health through detailed analytics and proactive care.

→ Disease Prevention
Utilize advanced diagnostics and regular health monitoring to prevent diseases.

→ Enhanced Record Keeping
Automatically update and access detailed health records, vaccination histories, and treatment schedules.

→ Cost Efficiency
Reduce veterinary costs by optimizing herd management and preventing diseases.

→ Regulatory Compliance
Easily comply with health and safety regulations through organized and accessible records.

→ Sustainable Practices
Support sustainable farming by maintaining high standards of animal welfare.

Full Control for Veterinarians!
Multiple Farms on a Single Screen

Cutting-Edge Dairy Farming Technology Suite

Discover the future of dairy farm management with our integrated technology suite, featuring MastiPro, WashLog, M2Moo, and PartuSense. Each device is designed to bring precision, efficiency, and health monitoring to your operations, revolutionizing the way you care for your herd and optimize your dairy production.


MilkingCloud is being used over 600+ companies & dairy farms


MilkingCloud - Herd Management System

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